Welcome to JUNCTIØN18 ..... the ladies choir with a difference
Singing is Fun ......
Unlike many choirs, we shall not be singing ANY very serious choir music! We'll be singing Adele, Taylor Swift, Billy Eilish, Abba, Take That, Coldplay ......
Singing is Good For You ......
Many studies have shown that singing is good for your physical AND mental health. Sure to de-stress you and provide an enjoyable evening ........
Singing is Sociable ......
AND GUESS WHAT .........
No previous singing experience necessary
No audition ..... anyone can join !
Just come and enjoy yourself and have FUN
Who Can Join?
''Just wanted to send a message to say how much myself and Sue have enjoyed the Monday singing group over the past couple of months and appreciate the work and effort you are putting in for all our benefit. Looking forward to many more singing sessions .....''
At JUNCTIØN18, we believe that everyone can sing and get enjoyment from joining in with a group of singers. That's why there are no auditions ... simply come along and have a go. Its open to any of the ladies from Crick and the surrounding villages. Hopefully everyone who comes along will have fun and really enjoy the experience, but if you don't think its for you .... well that's fine too. Your first evening is free and if you decide to stay, you simply pay a small 'subscription' each time to cover the cost of refreshments and new music ........
'If I cannot fly .... let me sing'
Steven Sondheim
Meet Our Choir Leader
(and local Crick resident)
Derek Gardner
Derek has a huge amount of experience of singing in chamber choirs and vocal ensembles and is a bass/baritone soloist.
He won't be much use in a Ladies choir then !
What he DOES want to do is to give the ladies of Crick the opportunity to mix socially and enjoy singing fun music and hopefully making a great sound as we get used to singing together !